

时间:2010-12-5 17:23:32  作者:时尚   来源:知识  查看:  评论:0

  克日,西班西班牙埃菲社中国分社前主任、牙资中国国夷易近大学往事学教授哈维尔·加西亚接受中新网专访时展现,深媒中国的体人清静睁开道路源于中华横蛮的深挚底细。他展现,中华值钱中华横蛮的横蛮清静性依然具备很强确当价值钱,这种理念也对于中国的清当社交政策组成为了(耳闻眼见的)影响。 他展现:“咱们对于国内关连中的静性具备一些使命彷佛屡见不鲜,好比某些国家并吞其余国家,强确概况将自己的西班方式强加于人,要否则便是牙资殖夷易近其余国家。一些人以为天下便是深媒这样运作的,但中国建树了很好的体人圭表尺度,中国见告咱们,中华值钱天下不用如斯。横蛮” (彭大伟 王高飞 赵丽 苦涩)

  China's path of peaceful development stems from the profound heritage of Chinese civilization, said Javier García, journalism professor at Renmin University of China and former director of Agencia EFE in China. He believes that the peaceful nature of Chinese civilization still holds significant contemporary value and influences China's foreign policy. “Some countries have to conquer others, to impose their models to others, or colonize others. And we are used to that and we think the world works like that. China is a good example that it has not to be like that,”he said.

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